Health is an essential requirement for human beings, yet the resources for health are scarce. Making use of the available resources effectively to achieve set goals is important to lower the cost of health. Good management skills are required to help in achieving high-quality care with limited resources. The major resources required in health include health care providers, capital for services, equipment to provide services, and medications for a prescription.
Health care providers including nurses must be sufficient to provide quality services (Genovese et al., 2017). Resources such as medications and machinery must be provided for proper service delivery. The available capital must be used by health needs to ensure high-quality care at an affordable cost. this paper will address evidence-based management strategies for resourcing health care services, budget plans, staffing strategies, accountability tools, and evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of care.
The scarcity of resources to satisfy the needs of the sector of health requires planning and strategizing excellently to achieve maximum effect. Having a good and excellent strategy helps in reducing costs while offering high-quality services. Coming up with an excellent resource plan involves steps including identifying stakeholders, analyzing gaps, determination of the resource mix, and training of key staff members. Needs should be prioritized and the most important one should be acquired. Goods that are affordable and offer maximal benefits should be purchased first.
Collaboration and communication with healthcare providers at different levels help in identifying the important needs thus guides decision-making (Moss et al., 2019). One model that has contributed immensely in strategizing for resourcing health care needs is the use of the Procurement group. The procurement group comes up with set guidelines on the important products while considering the low preference matters.
The procurement groups help in assessing alternative products that are less expensive while most efficient according to needs. For example, in a setting where there is a need of upgrading the healthcare equipment, the procurement group will advise purchasing the best alternative while organizing for the repair and maintenance of the existing equipment. This will ensure that services are offered without interruption and enhance customer satisfaction.
Effective collaboration between the procurement group and the health care providers will help in prioritizing needs and enhance decision-making. Involving other healthcare providers in the decision-making process regarding the organization motivates them and ensures that their needs are met. This model was used in a regional non-profit system in the United States (Moss et al., 2019).
The procurement group involved the physicians in discussing the procurement of medicines and other equipment for patient care. the physicians helped in identifying high preference needs that were required. The organization ended up saving 12% of its anticipated budget while more products were purchased. The excellence of the procurement group on reducing cost is evident that it is beneficial resourcing for health care that should be adopted.
For the success of an organization then, the leadership must be effective in offering directions, making decisions, and ensuring accountability. Budget is important in predicting expenditure based on o income. A budget must be realistic and aimed at achieving a set objective (Randhawa & Jackson, 2020). Expenditure must balance with income to avoid the creation of debts. Expenditures are incurred on purchasing goods, paying salaries, and paying for services.
Accountability is an essential element in management and ensures that every scenario is explained. An internal audit is a tool used in measuring accountability. It is used in the analyses of the capital collected, compared with expenditures then identifies a gap. Transparency and accountability are important in building trust thus the success of the interaction. Patients will most likely choose services that transparent.
Health outcomes of the patient based on mortality, morbidity, readmissions, and recovery are important in measuring the effectiveness of healthcare delivery plans. The effective health care plan is characterized by increased recovery, reduced readmission rates, decreased cases of morbidity and mortality (Genovese et al., 2017). Assessing the various outcome will help to account for the effectiveness of the delivery plan or the need to elevate standards. Having a qualified effective staff is vital in achieving the goals of pr